Thursday 17 March 2016

Drumstick-Tips For Growing Drumstick

Also known as the Horseradish tree or Tree of Life originated in India and has spread in popularity to many parts of Asia, Central and South America, Africa and the Pacific. This tree has delicate foliage and attractive pale yellow flowers. Possibly one of the most useful trees in the world, it produces long green pods that have been compared to a cross between peanuts and asparagus. The peeled roots are used as a substitute for horseradish and the edible leaves make a highly nutritious vegetable. Claims are made that its tiny leaves contains 7 times the Vit C of oranges, 4 times the Vit A of Carrots, 4 times the Calcium of milk, 3 times the Potassium of Bananas, and 2 times the protein of yogurt. (Source: Nutritive Value of Indian Foods, by C. Gopalan, et al. ) The roots have also been documented as useful in many folk remedies. In Africa it has been also called the Miracle Tree with so many uses.

The slender, semi -deciduous, perennial tree, to about 10 m tall with drooping branches. OK to keep pruned under 2mts as its the leaves that is what is best used in cooking.

Thrives in subtropical and tropical climates, flowering and fruiting freely and continuously. Grows best on a dry sandy soil. Makes an ideal shade tree with high drought resistance.

Other Names: Horseradish tree, moringa oleifera,Drumstick.

Drumstick is a very useful vegetable and widely used in South Indian food preparations, especially SAMBAR - the dish served as first course in South Indian Meals.

Growing drumstick is a very easy task. It grows into a tree, and can be trimmed at frequent intervals. The branch, when planted, gives rise to a new tree, so its really easy to create new drumstick plants very quickly. Initially, the new branch will appear to dry. Within a few days, however, beautiful new green leaves sprout.

Within six months, you will find hundreds of drum sticks swaying nicely from the tree. it makes sense to grow this nice tree. The leaves too are a rich source of nutrients and can be added to any dish. They are a bit pungent, so its better to fry it before adding it to any other dish.

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